Published on Thursday, 29 February 2024 at 10:46:25 AM

Laughter, sharing stories, bringing joy, having fun and an opportunity to come along and have a chat with seniors within the community. This is what the Shire of Coolgardie Seniors Staying Connected fortnightly program is all about.
On Thursday, 22 February we shared a fun-filled morning of board and card games. The laughter could be heard throughout the Kambalda Community Recreation Facility and you wouldn’t be blamed for wanting to step in to the community activity room to join in the fun.
Skip Bo was a hit with most with Sylvia leading the challenging game followed by UNO which brought in new rules as the game progressed. Changing direction of play, pick up 4 and miss a turn were only some of the rules with UNO and if you were a first time player, you were in for a real treat with regular players.
Scrabble was another popular game with new members and, Melanka owning this one with her opponents.
A grazing table with Tea, Coffee, fresh fruit, cheese and crackers, juices were on offer for those wishing to snack and drink as they played.
Well done to our beautiful seniors for making the morning so much fun causing us all to lose track of time. Thank you and remember feeling connected to others is fun, it floods us with feel-good emotions and is great for both our bodies and minds.
Keep your Calendars clear for Thursday, 7 March for the next Seniors Staying Connected event.
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