Street fencing – Front boundary

A street wall or fence is a wall, screen or barrier that abuts a street boundary or is located in the primary street setback area (normally anywhere in front of a dwelling). This includes fencing on the side boundaries in the street setback area.

The R-Codes set out the provisions for primary street fencing to a site and dwelling.

Planning approval is required where a primary street-fence does not meet the provisions below.

Exempt from approval only where the front fence complies with the following:

  • Solid portions of street walls or fences are permitted to a maximum 1.2 m high.
  • Portions of street walls or fences above 1.2 m must be visually permeable.
  • The overall height of the street walls or fence must be a maximum of 1.8m high.
  • The horizontal dimension of the pillars or piers may not exceed 400mm by 400mm.




‘Visually permeable’ is defined by the Residential Design Codes – Volume 1 as:

 In reference to a wall, gate, door, screen or fence that the vertical surface when viewed directly from the street or other public space has: 

  • continuous vertical or horizontal gaps of 50mm or greater width occupying not less than one third of the total surface area.
  • continuous vertical or horizontal gaps less than 50mm in width, occupying at least one half of the total surface area in aggregate; or
  • a surface offering equal or lesser obstruction to view.

Corner Sites Fencing & Vehicle site lines.

You can build a fence to a driveway; however, vehicle sightline areas must be maintained where your driveway intersects with the property boundary.  

Street walls and fences can either be truncated so they do not protrude into the sightline area (shown hatched in the figure below).

If the fence is proposed to be within the sightline areas, no part of the fence (including pillars or posts) may exceed 750mm in height.

Planning Approval Requirements

  • Completed Planning Application Form - Signed by each owner of the property.
  • Planning Application Fee payable
  • Certificate of Title (issued within 6 months)
  • Site Plan – Scale 1:200 showing:
    1. North Point
    2. Lot boundaries
    3. Existing dwelling and other structures on the lot Refer to the example below.
  • 5) Elevation Plans – Scale 1:100 showing front, side and rear elevations showing height, natural ground levels, visually permeable panels and all dimensions. Refer to the example below.


For more information, please refer to the Shire's Planning Approval Requirements page.

Boundary (side and rear) Fencing 

Walls and fences behind the street setback area and those on side and rear lot boundaries are not subject to the planning requirements.

The Dividing Fences Act 1961 allows for matters related to dividing fences to be resolved as a civil matter between neighbouring owners.

The Department of Building and Energy’s website explains the process to negotiate with your neighbour, agree on costs and settle disputes. 

The Shire’s Fencing Local Law 2022 provides a definition of a “sufficient fence” for the purposes of the Dividing Fences Act 1961. 

The Citizens Advice Bureau can provide legal advice and mediation services. More information is available on the Citizens Advice Bureau’s website.

Where proposed works involve replacement, alteration, or repair of a dividing fence, then the adjoining, affected landowner(s) consent is required, prior to undertaking the works.

Will I need a building permit?

A building permit is required for any masonry street wall or fence higher than 0.75m. The Shire Development Services Team can provide guidance on lodging a Building Permit. 

For guidance o lodging a Building permit, please refer to the Shire's Building Permit Requirements page.  

Do I need my neighbour Approval?

Neighbour’s approval is not required to lodge a development application (planning approval) however, where proposed works involve replacement, alteration, or repair of a dividing fence, then the adjoining, affected landowner(s) consent is required, prior to undertaking any work.

The landowner who proposes the work is responsible for obtaining the affected landowner’s consent, in accordance with the requirements of the Dividing Fences Act 1961.  

Other Fencing - Pool and Spa

Refer to Shire of Coolgardie Fact Sheet – Safety Barriers for Private Swimming Pools and Spa

Site details

Information on your property, lot sizes, dimensions and recent aerial imagery is available from:-

Further information

For further information please visit the Shires Customer Service Counters at the Coolgardie Community Recreation Centre or Kambalda Community Recreation Facility or by phoning the Development Services on 08 9080 2111 or email 

Related Links

FACTSHEET - Fencing Provisions