Day Care
One Tree Kambalda
Our Kambalda Children’s Service takes sustainable practice seriously. The service works to limit their footprint wherever possible, and they share this learning with the children and families. Some examples you will see of this are: our beautiful vegetable garden, and our thriving worm farm the children look after.
Our approach
We have an integrated learning approach in our service and take inspiration from a range of theorists. We are heavily focused on our natural environment, as we believe that this influences children and has a profound impact on how they learn and grow. We also believe that it is our responsibility to help children take responsibility for the spaces that we live and play in.
Our service
We are a 24-place service.
Our baby room caters for infants from 0 to 30 months.
Our kindy room caters for children from 30 months to 5 years.
The baby room and kindy children each have their own beautiful indoor classrooms that are set out purposefully and thoughtfully by our skillful educators. Babies and kindy children come together during outdoor play and meal times, where they learn from and with each other. Our outdoor classroom has a fixed playground and many natural resources, where children can learn with their senses and practice safe risk taking, extending on their skills and capabilities.
If you would like any further information, please contact our Enrolments Team:
Call 1800 919 995
Contact us
2 Barnes Drive, Kambalda West WA 6442
Hours: 7:30am - 4:30pm Monday to Friday
Phone: (08) 90273368

Day Care Swipe Card Application Form.
To obtain a day care swipe card please click here .