
Building Permits and Certification of Design Compliance

The Shire of Coolgardie’s role as a permit authority is to assist its community and industry with complying with legislative requirements under the Building Act 2011, Building Regulations 2012 and relevant Local Laws for all buildings constructed within the local government boundaries. 

Unless works are exempt under the Building Regulations 2012, a building permit is required prior to commencing the construction of most structures located in the city (including pools, patios, sheds, dwellings and commercial buildings). 

For further information regarding building in bushfire prone areas please click here .

Building Application Forms

Click here to access WA Building Commission application forms and guides. Please note these forms are universal and will be accepted by all WA Local Government Areas.

The following provides useful information and check sheets for preparing applications that may be relevant to the building stage of your development: 

•   Building Schedule of Fees and Charges 2023/2024
•   Builder Check sheet for Commercial Applications

Residential Development – Building Permit

There are some development works that does not require approval.  The exemption applies to works that are set out in the Planning Regulations and only applies to works that are specified in Column 1 and comply with the conditions  For further information please click below tab 'General Responsibilities for Building Work' .

The most common types of building permits the Shire receives are for residential works, to ensure you proposal meets the R-Code deemed to comply provisions, and therefore exempt from Planning approval, all building permits applications for single houses (new or extensions), garages, carports, sheds, verandah and patios a compliance checklist is to be completed by the Builder and submitted with the applications. 

  • R-Code Residential Compliance Checklist
  • Adjoining Owner and Occupier Consent Comments Form
  • Building Check sheet for Residential Applications
  • Builder Check sheet for patio, garage etc Applications 

Residential Variations

Where proposal involve a variation to the R-Codes deemed to comply provisions, the application will require additional information in the form of completed Variation Form. 

General Responsibilities for Building Work

Where proposal involve a variation to the R-Codes deemed to comply provisions, the application will require additional information in the form of completed Variation Form. 

Before - application and grant of building permit



Building Surveyor

Permit Authority

· Ensure that all of the relevant documentation is provided and is correct i.e. plans and specifications, payment of fees and levies certifications, authorisations, etc.

· Obtain necessary statutory approvals.

· Where required provide evidence of consent or court order for work that may adversely affect other or encroach on other land.

· Ensure home indemnity insurance is in place (if relevant).

· Sign the application form as the builder.

· Obtaining consent or court order for work that may adversely affect other land or encroaches on other land. 

· Ensure the plans comply with the Building Code of Australia before signing and issuing a certificate of design compliance.

· Check applications are complete and in order and that all statutory requirements and approvals are in place

· Grant building permits and listing conditions, required tests and/or inspections.

· Record keeping.

During – when the permit has been granted

· Ensure the building work complies with the applicable building standards.

· Ensure building work complies with the approved plans and specification.

· Ensure the relevant inspections and / or tests are carried out. 

· Provide notifications and obtain consents where necessary prior to any work being carried out that will affect other land.

· If relevant, provide notice of cessation to the permit authority and to the owner.

· May be engaged to ensure compliance.

· Carry out compliance and enforcement function.

· If relevant, approve new responsible person.

After – at completion of work and prior to occupying certain buildings

· Submit an application for an occupancy permit for Class 2 to Class 9 buildings.

· Submit a notice of completion for all buildings to the permit authority including any relevant test and inspection certificates. 

· Issue certificates of construction compliance to accompany an application for an occupancy permit for Class 2 to Class 9 buildings.

· Ensure notice of completion and the required inspection certificates are received.

· Grant occupancy permits for Class 2 to Class 9 buildings.

If additional information is required a letter will be sent to the applicant, builder and/or owner requesting further information. The applicant has 21 calendar days to provide the requested information.

Under the Building Act 2011, the Shire has the right to refuse an application if all the required information has not been submitted within the 21-day timeframe.