Shire of Coolgardie Introduces New Household Waste Service

Published on Friday, 28 April 2023 at 1:52:12 PM

Shire of Coolgardie residents will be able to make unlimited visits to dispose of their household waste after Council reviewed waste fees and charges. Deliberations by Council highlighted the confusion residents faced under the previous system, where residents received an annual $50 Tip Pass equivalent to ten $5 vouchers. The changes with the new program have been designed to simplify the waste disposal service for residents.

Under the New Household Waste Service fees and charges will be waived for all Shire residents disposing household waste, defined as: general waste, food waste, plastics, household furniture, e-waste, cardboard, mattresses, metals, and white goods. Residents can now make unlimited trips to the Shire’s waste facilities and deposit unlimited household waste as needed.

“The community’s feedback on the Shire’s minimum charges on waste tipping fees was very clear in that it often created confusion and frustration. It was also identified that many residents renting homes in the Shire were not given the free tip passes to dispose of their excess household waste.” said Cr Malcolm Cullen, Coolgardie Shire President.

“We have given this feedback serious consideration in developing the new Household Waste Service, and I am confident we now have a simplified and valuable solution for residents.”

Disposal of commercial waste as well as tyres, oils, asbestos, concrete, and demolition rubble from household waste sources will continue to be charged as per the Shire’s Fees and Charges.

For more information please visit our waste facility pages:

Coolgardie Waste Facility

Kambalda Waste Transfer Station


For media enquiries, please contact:

Joy Charlton

Communication and Media Officer

P: 9080 2111


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